Why Hello Friend, 

Yesterday we celebrated International Women’s Day. I'm reminded that by maintaining an honest, open conversation amongst one another in regard to our personal growth is how we keep comfort at our core. That feeling of providing someone else a hint of happiness, helping them to achieve that “ah ha!” moment, or proudly observing one of their small successes - all of those feelings fulfill us. I wanted to dig a little deeper to learn more about what this day truly means, in the literal term, as well as how women in our local communities embrace this momentous day.  Over the past 24 hours, I have watched many Instagram reels including the #womendoitbettertogether. It’s such a true statement. 

Before I introduce the next business owner in our Real Charleston Women Series, I’d like to share a few of the IWD (International Women’s Day) insights from other entrepreneurs:

“I want women to know that once we stop competing with each other & celebrate each other’s successes, we all become more successful.” – Allyson Jones Thornton, Owner – Dragonfly Gifting

“On IWD, let’s start normalizing creating our own table when you’re not given a seat & going after what you want. #breakthebias” – Sallie Holder, Owner – The Brimm

“Here’s to the women who speak in rooms designed to make them small, who dare to feel everything, who tell their stories when their voices shake, who carry their children & the weight of the world, who hold the expectation of what they should be - & do the opposite, when they expect you to shrink – keep taking up space.” – Keeley Shaw, Artist – Keeley Shaw Art

Without further a due, I’d like you to meet the next small business owner in our Real Charleston Women spotlight:  Becky Connelly

Becky Connolly, Owner Non Disclosure Apparel

Tell us a little about your profession & why you do what you do:

On paper, I am the founder of Non Disclosure Apparel, "A first of its kind bra company, creating bralettes specifically designed for nipple concealing.” In my mind, I am an inventor who stumbled into entrepreneurship. I developed this bra out of personal necessity. It turned out to be more amazing than I’d ever imagined so I felt it was my duty to provide this solution for other girls and women, just like me, that simply want a comfortable bralette to hide their nips from showing through their clothes.  

When not at work, where can we mostly find you?

In carpool! 

Where is your favorite place to dine in Charleston?

My new favorite place is Basic Kitchen. They had me at Cauliflower Wings and Beet Margarita!  

If you could lounge anywhere in the world, where would it be?

My happy place is Martha’s Vineyard in season!  

If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?

Spend time with my family during the day and night. After going running, I'd write digital content so women can more easily discover this bra as a solution online!  

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Years ago, Aleysa Macatol (Aleysa Bags) told me that if I waited for perfection, I might never launch the bra. She said that, “When it’s 95%” then it’s ready." I am certainly my worst enemy when it comes to perfecting anything before setting it out in the world. Aleysa’s advice gave me permission to let go.  

What makes you feel most empowered?

I’m most energized and empowered when problem solving or experimenting with ways to improve something. I will completely lose track of time, trouble-shoot (whatever it is) and not stop until I figure it out. It’s Pure Bliss!  

How do you recharge?

Per Meyers Briggs, I’m on the cusp of both an Introvert AND Extrovert. When I feel depleted, it’s an epsom salt bath, a book (I’m loving Elizabeth Gilbert right now) and a hoodie sweatshirt.  

Any life hacks or secret talents we should know about?

I’m a jury-rigger - my nickname was MacGyver in college. Now that I think of it, the concealing bralette is basically, me jury-rigging a bra into the what I want it to be!  

Favorite recipe we need to know about?

This “crudités” appetizer is easy to throw together. Any time I put it in front of people, it’s demolished with a quickness. It’s fuggedaboutit simple!  

Light Sour Cream  

Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packet  

Carrot Chips (The round ones with ridges)  

Celery Sticks  

Utz Ripples Potato Chips (Better than Ruffles, believe me)  

For dip: Mix sour cream and ranch seasoning to taste.  

Arrange veggies (any veggies will do) and chips however you’d like and voila, the perfect balance of healthy and sinful! 

Becky Connolly, Owner of Non Disclosure Apparel

Hope you enjoyed meeting Becky in this lounge sesh and remember pie is better shared and there's enough of it to go around.

10 Facts about International Women's Day

March 12, 2022 — Erin Yates